There are times when we are required to speak up and give an account for what we believe, and Who we believe in and in Whom we put our trust. As followers of Jesus, there will be times when our faith is tested—when we must choose to take a stand for Christ or deny Him.
John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This verse has been seen on signs held high at football games, spray painted onto the sides of buildings, and on millions of bumper stickers. In this one verse, God’s plan and love for every man, woman, and child is clearly spelled out.
This Kerusso shirt boldly proclaims the love of God. Straight Outta God’s Word comes the truth that if anyone confesses Jesus as Lord, and follows Him wholeheartedly, they will be saved.
God wants to use you to share His love. With the help of this Christian shirt, you can be an evangelist each and every time you put it on. Even if a word never comes out of your mouth, people will see and read God’s word that is displayed on your shirt.
Kerusso® Adult T-Shirt - Straight Outta God's Word™